How do I obtain a Civil Protection Order in DC?
Step 1: Go to one of the Domestic Violence Intake Centers. After the abuse occurs, go to one of the Domestic Violence Intake Centers (DVICs) as soon as possible after an incident occurs. (Note: You can file for a civil protection order in D.C. if you live, work, or go...

HELP! I Believe My Spouse Is Wasting Our Assets To Keep Me From Receiving My Fair Share During Our Divorce.
The wasting of marital assets by excessive spending, gambling or unnecessary borrowing is called dissipation. Courts look with disfavor on a party dissipating marital assets; many judges consider it serious misconduct. Frankly, dissipation is a common form of economic...

When Is the Time to Request a Forensic Custody Evaluation During a Child Custody Dispute and What Psychological Testing May be Utilized?
A forensic custody evaluation is an in-depth analysis from a trained mental health professional that provides detailed psychological information about each member of the family as it relates to their respective roles in the family relationship (including children)....

What Is An Appeal?
If you are dissatisfied with the result that you received at trial in Maryland, you have the right to challenge the result by taking an appeal to the Court of Special Appeals, which is an intermediate appellate court. The highest appellate court in Maryland is called...

What Is Litigation?
Litigation is the term used to describe the process parties go through when they utilize the court system as the means of resolving their disputes. When parties cannot resolve the issues in family law case by way of an agreement, the parties can engage in the...