E Newsletter
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As a service to visitors of my website, Divorce Magazine and I are pleased to provide you with this monthly E Newsletter and hope that the information and articles contained within are helpful and supportive.
March 2023
4 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Your Divorce
6 Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong Divorce Attorney
7 Myths About Divorce That You Can Ignore
6 Tips to Help Deal with Post-Divorce Conflict with Your Ex
Why the Healing Process After Divorce Takes so Long
February 2023
5 Tips for Keeping the Peace with Your Spouse During Divorce
How to Help Your Teen Survive Your Divorce
7 Tips for Protecting Your Credit During Divorce
7 Things to Consider When Divorcing in the New Digital Age
5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Emotionally During Divorce
January 2023
Preparing for Divorce
What Does it Mean When a Marriage is Irretrievably Broken?
An irretrievably broken marriage means that one or both parties are claiming the relationship can’t be fixed and must end in divorce.
Financial Issues
Estate Planning After Divorce: Important Items to Consider
It is important that your estate planning attorney understand your divorce obligations. Learn more here.
Holidays and Divorce
New Year’s Day Blues: 7 Tips to Help You Deal With Post Holiday Let Down
Remember the saying, “All things shall pass.” This was my motto during divorce and it can be used during a less favorite season. The cycle of seasons, like life, encompasses variety and keeps things interesting.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
Thinking About Bird’s Nest Custody? Here Are Some Items to Consider
“Nesting” or “Birdnesting” is often used to describe a situation where the children remain in the marital home and the separated or divorced parents move in and out of the home on an alternating schedule.
Life after Divorce
Dating Post-Divorce: Being Stuck In The Middle of a “Situationship”
After your divorce, you may want to get back into the dating game. But beware of getting caught in a “situationship.” Read on to learn more about what a situationship is – and how to avoid one.
December 2022
Preparing for Divorce
4 Common Divorce Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them
Here are the most common divorce mistakes an experienced family lawyer has seen people make, as well as some tips to guide you toward a better way.
Financial Issues
Should You Demand Life Insurance in a Divorce Settlement?
Protect yourself from the burden of a financially devastating divorce with life insurance in your divorce settlement.
Holidays and Divorce
How to Lift the Divorce Fog During the Holidays
Take a deep breath and slowly exhale all the darkness, noise, fear, anger, bitterness, self-doubt, and self-hatred. Then, with a clear head, ask yourself these questions.
Coping with Divorce
How to Deal With Divorce the Healthy Way
Even if you can’t do anything about the fact that your divorce is happening, there are things you can do to deal with divorce the healthy way.
Children and Divorce
The Unvarnished Truth About Children and Divorce
When parents focus more on their own emotional needs than their children’s needs, those children are irreparably harmed by divorce.
November 2022
Preparing for Divorce
5 Ways to Prepare Before Filing for Divorce
Preparing for your split can help you avoid many of the biggest struggles of ending a marriage. These are five tips to minimize the stress of your split in advance.
Financial Issues
For Neither Richer Nor Poorer: Divorcing Isn’t Just for the Wealthy
Divorce is difficult no matter how much is in your wallet. There are fewer differences across financial lines than most people think; here’s why.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
6 Tips to Survive the Holidays as Divorced Parents
The holiday season can be especially challenging for families dealing with separation or divorce. Here’s how to put your children first.
Domestic Violence
Divorcing as a Victim of Domestic Violence
Being a domestic violence survivor adds an extra layer of difficulty to a divorce. Here’s how domestic abuse victims can get a divorce safely.
Life After Divorce
5 Ways to Practice Self-Care After Divorce
Practicing self-care is essential after a divorce. No matter how things ended with your spouse, make sure you take time to care for yourself.
October 2022
Preparing for Divorce
Telling Friends, Family, and Co-Workers About Your Divorce
Telling people about your divorce can be an emotionally difficult conversation. Here’s what you need to know before talking to friends and family.
Financial Issues
Divorce and Mortgage: Here’s What You Need to Know
Being proactive and asking the right questions about divorce and mortgage can make the process a much easier one.
Coping with Divorce
The Two Most Important Decisions You Need To Make To Get Over Your Toxic Ex
If your ex is toxic, divorce is the best thing that could have happened. But while it’s the best thing, it’s certainly not easy.
Children and Divorce
Why Daycare After A Divorce Doesn’t Have To Be A Bad Thing
For a lot of divorced households, sending your child to daycare after divorce isn’t such a bad option. Here’s why.
Divorce Recovery
Divorce: A Letter to Those Who Wished Me Well
Thanksgiving is coming, and although there are many posts about divorce and the holidays this article addresses true unsung heroes of the divorce world.
September 2022
Preparing for Divorce
Signs Your Spouse Is Planning to File for Divorce
If your spouse suddenly moves out of the home, needs to take some extended trips or “time apart to think”, they may be planning to file for divorce.
Financial Issues
What is the Income Shares Model for Determining Child Support?
If you’re divorcing in the U.S. and have a child under 18, you may be paying or receiving child support going forward. Will it be based on the income shares model?
Coping With Divorce
Paths You Might Experience During Divorce
Take these steps to let go of negative emotions like anger, blame, resentment, and regret; letting go will give you the freedom to move forward in life.
Children and Divorce
What do Kids of Divorce Take Into Adulthood With Them?
Your kids are watching & listening to everything you say & do. They’ll take those lessons into adulthood, so make sure to model self-care as well as stress.
Divorce Recovery
How to Glow Up After Your Divorce
divorce can take a heavy hit on your mind, body, and self-esteem. Use this summer to turn your situation around and glow up with these helpful tips!
August 2022
Considering Divorce
What is the Impact of Infidelity on Divorce?
Can your partner’s infidelity be held against them if you get a divorce? Here’s what you need to know about how infidelity could affect your own split.
Property Division
Business Goodwill in Divorce Settlements: A Primer
Here are the courts’ definitions of business goodwill, the types of goodwill those courts generally recognize, and which types can be considered marital property subject to division on divorce.
Conflict Resolution
Get Leverage When Negotiating with a Narcissist
If you are negotiating with a narcissist, the only way to emerge unscathed is to build leverage. Find out how to get that leverage here.
Children’s and Parenting Issues
The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Parents and Children
Divorce – or child custody disputes when a non-marital arrangement ends – means changes that are stressful for both parents and children.
Divorce Recovery
Top 10 Signs You Are the Victim of Gaslighting
If you’re a victim of gaslighting, you may initially doubt that you are being abused at all. Instead, you may think that you’re “just too sensitive” or “not remembering correctly.
July 2022
Financial Issues
Money Problems Plus Narcissism Equals Divorce
As a CPA who has counseled many couples, I’ve seen this formula before. Learn how to deal with splitting assets and debts while divorcing a narcissist here.
Legal Issues
Finding Fault in No-Fault Divorce
No-fault divorce laws were intended to stop spouses from fabricating fault claims to obtain a divorce – not for misconduct, but because they were unhappy together.
Divorce Recovery
Part I: What is Gaslighting? 6 Types of Gaslighting Techniques
After being subjected to gaslighting, the victim is left wondering if there is something wrong with them. Here is a definition of the 6 types of gaslighting.
Children’s and Parenting Issues
Don’t Forget These 10 Things in Your Parenting Plan
After reviewing these suggestions, you may have your own ideas for other provisions. Focus on what’s important to you and your child.
Life After Divorce
What to Expect When Your Ex Remarries
Your ex’s remarriage can affect your financial life: retirement funds and estate plans often need to be reconfigured if either one of you marries again.
June 2022
Financial Issues
Financial Co-Parenting: 4 Ways to Save Your Money
Raising a child apart can be costly and stressful. Here’s how to do it right.
Coping with Divorce
Divorce Does Not Define You – How You Behave Does
How to handle and react to high levels of stress are critical skills to nurture during the divorce process. How you conduct yourself during divorce will define
Fathers‘s Day
This Father’s Day, Let’s Celebrate Single Dads!
Instead of marginalizing single dads, let’s celebrate their accomplishments!
Children and Divorce
10 Tips for Telling Your Kids You’re Getting a Divorce
Telling your kids is a critical conversation requiring careful thought and planning. Use these tips to help smooth the path ahead.
Health & Well Being
5 Tricks for Improving Sleep Quality Post-Divorce
Try these tips to improve your sleep quality to be well-rested and ready to take on the day.
May 2022
Child Custody
3 Things to Do When Your Ex Won’t Follow the Quarantine Rules
What should a parent do to enforce the quarantine rules when they conflict with the court’s custody orders?
Coping with Divorce
Is the Coronavirus Affecting Your Divorce? How You Should Handle It
We are dealing with a time of global crisis. If you’re in the middle of a divorce, the coronavirus is affecting that, too.
Coping with Divorce
Quarantined with Your Ex: How do You Cope When You Live with Someone You Despise?
Divorce recovery during coronavirus quarantine can be hellish when you live in lockdown.
Fathers and Divorce
Guide To Your First Father’s Day After Divorce
When you first accepted your divorce, it may not have dawned on you that Father’s Day would have a whole new look.
Life After Divorce
How Remarried Couples (and All Couples) Can Stay Together Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic
Even in the best of times, happiness in a second marriage can be difficult to sustain.
April 2022
Considering Divorce
Divorce Trapped Me, But I Have an Exit Strategy
A three-step formula to feel less trapped by the terms of your divorce.
Financial Issues
How to Choose Your Divorce Financial Professional
When you need a divorce financial specialist, a general financial professional just won’t do.
Legal Issues
What is an Annulment? Why Would You Get One?
An annulment is a declaration that a valid marriage never existed in the first place.
Children and Divorce
Daughters of Divorce: Overcoming Your Parents’ Breakup
It’s no longer up to others to help you bounce back from your parents’ divorce.
Divorce Recovery
Recover and Heal From The Inside Out After Divorce
Once you move through the divorce recovery cycle, you will have cultivated a positive mindset.
March 2022
Considering Divorce
Divorce Quiz: Should I Get a Divorce?
This “signs you need a divorce quiz” has 25 statements and an easy scoring method to help you answer the question “Should I get a divorce?”
Children’s and Parenting Issues after Divorce
Moving to a Different State When Divorced
Here are the pros and cons of making a decision to move to another state post-divorce – especially when there are children involved.
Financial Issues
Hiding Assets During Divorce
If you suspect your spouse is hiding assets or concealing income, you should take steps to contact a legal professional.
Coping With Divorce
Building Tolerance for Uncertainty During Divorce
Fear of the unknown during a divorce is like being in a cave of inky darkness. Here’s how to get through it.
Life After Divorce
How Being Single After Divorce May Improve Your Life
Single life isn’t all bad. While there may be some not-so-great aspects of it, people should not be afraid to be single.
February 2022
Preparing for Divorce
How to Prepare for Your First Virtual Conference With a Divorce Lawyer
The better prepared you are, the better you can partner with your divorce lawyer to create positive outcomes for yourself and your family.
Here’s What My Kids Like About Nesting (And Yours Might, Too!)
Here we are after all this time, still nesting. Our kids still call the same place “home.”
Financial Issues
Selling Your Home After Divorce
It’s important to consult a legal specialist before beginning any kind of process involving ownership or use of your home.
Coping With Divorce
5 Signs You Are Ready to Forgive
Are you ready to forgive after divorce? Think of your children, wish your ex well, and learn to let go. Find more about how to forgive here.
Divorce Recovery
How Divorce Helps You Become More Creative
A divorce may offer you the opportunity to reach your full potential in a particular creative endeavor.
January 2022
Preparing for Divorce
Divorce Day: Why Marriages Fall Apart in the New Year
The first working Monday of the New Year marks “Divorce Day” – and the start of Divorce Season.
Financial Issues
What Happens If You Separate Finances and Get Divorced?
When a couple gets married, whether or not they should maintain separate finances is often a question.
Considering Divorce
Do You Need a Divorce After Spending Too Much Time in Lockdown?
For the unhappily married, the stress of COVID may have led to a breaking point. If this describes you, read these 4 tips on moving forward.
7 Tips for Co-parenting With a Narcissistic or High-Conflict Ex
Once you accept that you can only control your own behavior, your life will greatly improve.
Life After Divorce
How to Start a New Life After Divorce
Divorce is hard to deal with. That being said, there can be many ways to help make the process a little easier.
December 2021
Considering Divorce
How Do You Know it’s Time to Call it Quits and File for Divorce?
Like a rollercoaster, all marriages have their ups and downs. So, when is it time to call it quits?
Financial Issues
New Year Financial Checklist: 7 Things to Think About
Use this new year financial checklist to remind you of what you need to consider or change because of your divorce.
Holidays and Divorce
Co-Parenting During the Holidays: 5 Tips for Keeping Your Cool
When co-parenting during the holidays, remember to collaborate and communicate with your ex-spouse.
A Blended Family: The Best Wedding Present Ever!
Set the kids up for success, respect boundaries, and open your heart. 5 tips to make your blended family become the wedding gift that keeps on giving.
Divorce Recovery
8 Tips for Healing After a Divorce
Use these essential tools and let your divorce make you better, not bitter, and let healing after divorce begin.
June 2021
Divorce Process
Maintaining Your House During Divorce: A Quick Guide
If you own your home, deciding what to do with the house will be one of the largest financial decisions during divorce.
Financial Issues
How Divorced Parents Can Plan Ahead for College Costs
Tackling college costs is stressful enough for any family. For separated or divorced parents, planning for college can be an extra source of stress and contention.
Father’s Day
Enjoying Father’s Day Alone Post-Divorce
If your children won’t be with you, keeping active can help dispel gloomy thoughts. Here are 7 ways to get through the holiday.
5 Myths About Co-Parenting After Divorce
After a divorce, you start a new type of relationship with your ex. Don’t talk yourself into believing these myths.
Life After Divorce
Are You Stuck in the Rejection Phase After Divorce?
If you are stuck in the rejection phase, it means that you haven’t faced your fears or painful emotions yet. Here are 5 signs that you’re stuck.
May 2021
Divorce Process
Healthy Divorce: How to Make Your Split As Smooth As Possible
Avoid the stress and agony of divorce by putting in the work to move on in a healthy way and start the rest of your life.
Financial Issues
How to Manage Your Money For a Promising Future Post-Divorce
Find out how you can quickly put money back into your bank account after divorce.
Mother’s Day Post
7 Tips for Women Coping with Sadness on Mother’s Day
Many women are coping with sadness on Mother’s Day: perhaps over losing their children to their ex, yearning to be a mother, or being estranged from their own mothers.
Children and Divorce
How the COVID-19 Crisis Has Changed the Family Dynamic
To ensure healthy habits with family, take a step back, be respectful, and communicate as effectively as possible.
Coping With Divorce
Stages of Grief During Divorce
Grief can be a part of the divorce process and beyond. It is mourning what was and will never be again.
April 2021
Considering Divorce
5 Crucial Things to Consider When Filing for a Divorce
There are many things to consider when filing for divorce; here are the most important things to discuss with your attorney.
Financial Issues
4 Clever Ways to Make Money From Home After Divorce
Going through divorce during a pandemic may give you extra reasons to need to make money from home. Here are a few potential sources of income to consider.
Coping With Divorce
Finding Things to Celebrate When Going Through Divorce
Things might seem hard right now, but you’ll quickly discover that life has plenty of things worth celebrating.
Divorce Recovery
Positive Habits to Develop When Going Through Divorce
Developing some useful new habits – such as eliminating negative thoughts & people from your life – will help you get through this difficult time.
Children and Divorce
How to Make Divorce Easier for Your Children
While you will have some painful moments no matter what you do, these tips will help to make the transition as easy as possible for your children.
March 2021
Divorce Preparation
Choosing Your Family Law Professional During Divorce
Here is a list of some divorce professionals you may want to consider.
Divorce Process
9 Issues that Will Need Your Attention During the Divorce Process
The sooner you start to address these issues during your divorce, the better off you will be.
Financial Issues
Managing The Fear Of Dealing With Your Finances After A Divorce
Here are seven tips on how to manage the stresses and anxieties while taking care of your finances after divorce.
Children’s and Parenting Issues after Divorce
How I Prepared My Child When I Got Divorced
It might be one of the most difficult conversations you will have, but you must do it right.
Divorce Recovery
Reconnecting To Self Is “Key” To Divorce Recovery
Reconnecting to yourself is an important step in moving forward once on the other side of divorce.
It can be very difficult to heal from divorce, but you can do it. Give yourself time and compassion, use these helpful tips, and – with a few inevitable setbacks – things will get better every day.
February 2021
Considering Divorce
6 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Planning to Divorce
Learn the dos and don’ts before you start planning your divorce. Although it is a stressful process, by avoiding these mistakes, you can go through divorce relatively smoothly.
Financial Issues
Divorced? Consider These 5 Things Before Buying a New House
While you are transitioning from married to divorced, there are several things to take into account if you’re thinking about purchasing a new home.
Health and Well-Being
5 Ways to Beat Anxiety After Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most stressful times in your life, and it often comes with a myriad of negative feelings. Here’s how to beat divorce anxiety before it beats you.
Dating After Divorce
Moving on and Finding New Love After a Divorce with Children
It’s time to step forward into the unknown, trust yourself, trust your kids, and trust the process. Be open to finding new love – for yourself, and to show your kids what a healthy relationship looks like.
Divorce Recovery
6 Ways to Heal from a Divorce and Move On
It can be very difficult to heal from divorce, but you can do it. Give yourself time and compassion, use these helpful tips, and – with a few inevitable setbacks – things will get better every day.
January 2021
Divorce Process
Top Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Lawyer
One of the prime benefits of hiring a divorce lawyer is that it can protect you from making mistakes you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life; it also levels the playing field if your spouse hires one.
Coping with Divorce
Unhappy New Year? Tips to Help You Move on after Divorce
If you’re in the throes of unhappy emotions now, read this article for some ideas on how to get through it.
Financial Issues
How To Free Yourself Financially From Your Ex-Spouse
There are many strategies to use – and mistakes to avoid – that can help protect your financial security during divorce. Here are a few tips to help you move towards financial freedom.
Children and Divorce
How To Guide Your Kids Through Divorce
If you’re going through the divorce process, here are things you can try to make it easier on yourself and your children.
Relationships and Dating
I’m Single and Have NO Interest in Dating Since My Divorce.
No, I’m not dating or looking to date.
December 2020
Divorce Process
Divorce Lawyers: Why You Need to Hire One
An insider reveals why you should not go defenseless into the divorce battlefield.
Financial Issues
3 Categories To Focus on as You Prepare Financially for Divorce
How thoroughly you prepare for divorce can impact the divorce process.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
How We Celebrate Holidays After Divorce
Our kids don’t have two families, they have one.
Divorce Recovery
Dealing With the Aftermath of Divorce: Your Personal Guide
Divorce is tough. Here are some tips on how you can deal with the aftermath.
Health and Well-Being
The Challenge of Staying Fit During Divorce and COVID-19: Tips for Tough Times
Here are tips on staying fit during a divorce and COVID-19.
November 2020
Divorce Process
What You Need to Know About Divorce During COVID-19
You can get divorced in the midst of the pandemic, but getting through the process is going to be a challenge.
Financial Issues
The Financial Impact of Divorce During the Pandemic
During a pandemic & economic downturn, as much as a couple may want to split, doing so can much more difficult for both practical & financial reasons.
Coping with Divorce
Holidays On (N)ice: How to Handle Holiday Disagreements
If you want to disagree nicely with your family members this Thanksgiving, here are five basic tools.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
Preparing For the COVID-19 Vaccine: Tips For Disagreeing Co-Parents
Will you and your co-parent be able to see eye to eye concerning your child’s COVID-19 vaccination?
Dating After Divorce
What Are Your Non-Negotiables for Dating After Divorce?
Each person has her or his own non-negotiables when dating after divorce: positive traits as well as dealbreakers.
October 2020
Considering Divorce
How to Amicably Divorce Your Spouse During COVID-19
To amicably divorce your spouse during COVID-19, it is important to use compassion.
Financial Issues
Selling Your House During Divorce: A Comprehensive Guide
Here’s what you need to know about selling your house during divorce.
Child Custody, Co-Parenting
Addressing Post-Divorce Child Custody Issues During the COVID-19 Crisis
It is likely that the coronavirus pandemic has affected your child custody situation.
Divorce Recovery, Life After Divorce
How to Set Up Your New Place After a Divorce
Here are some tips to help you move on and set up your new place after a divorce.
Life After Divorce
When Your Ex Calls: Five Rules of Engagement for Positive Interaction
Here are five rules of engagement for positive interaction with your ex.
September 2020
Divorce Process
5 Practical Issues To Consider During a Divorce
Here are crucial but often-overlooked issues to consider. Making decisions about them ASAP will ease the adjustment to your post-divorce reality.
Life After Divorce
20 Words to Avoid for A Better Life After Divorce
There are words to avoid – those that exhaust, hurt, and undermine – and words to use liberally – those that bolster, heal, and invigorate – after divorce.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
COVID, Co-Parenting, and Back to School
As you, your ex, and your child prepare for the upcoming school year while COVID-19 is still around, there are a few things you should consider.
Health & Wellbeing
Dealing with Your Unmet Needs Through and Post-Divorce
Having unmet needs during divorce is normal and also a great source of anguish, confusion, and pain.
Financial Issues
Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent to Sell Your House During Divorce
When searching for the right real estate agent, your interviewing process will reveal a variety of styles and personalities.
August 2020
Considering Divorce
12 Signs Your Marriage May Be Over
Has your fairy-tale marriage turned into a toxic relationship? Here are 12 signs your marriage may be over.
Financial Issues
How To Stabilize Your Finances As A Single Parent During COVID-19
If you have lost your job due to the pandemic, you may find that you are struggling to stabilize your finances.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
How to Co-Parent With an Ever-Changing Summer Schedule
The whole summer will go better if you consider your own mental and physical well-being.
Divorce Recovery
Recovering From Divorce During COVID-19
I managed to come out a newer, better, sassier version of myself. Now this.
Life After Divorce
Surprising Facts About the Modern Dating Scene
Relationships can be a rollercoaster ride, and so can the modern dating scene.
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
Financial Issues
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) in Effect Now
We are all working our way through the many questions raised by the CARES Act and how it impacts all of us.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
Visitation Refusal By Divorced Parents During COVID-19
It’s important to recognize that reasonable people can reach vastly different conclusions about the safety of child exchanges and visitation in these strange times.
Divorce News
Miami ER Doctor Loses Custody During Coronavirus
An emergency room doctor has lost custody of her four-year-old daughter amid increasing coronavirus fears.
Divorce Process
Divorce During the Coronavirus Shut Down
You won’t be able to get all of your issues right now but you can still work on your divorce with video conferencing.
Mothers and Divorce
7 Tips for Mothers Coping with Mother’s Day
Coping with Mother’s Day can be difficult for many reasons. Remember to honor your feelings about this day.
April 2020
Divorce Process
Understanding Your Concerns and Goals For a Divorce
Knowing your divorce goals can keep you moving forward in the right direction. Here are some things you should think about as you go through the process.
Financial Issues
4 Financial Things to Consider Before You File For Divorce
Before blurting “I want a divorce!” you need to consider the financial implications. Are you in a financial position to support yourself and your children if necessary?
Life After Divorce
Be Your Own Author: Create Your Own Path after Divorce
Divorce stinks. But try to find the silver lining: use the trauma of your divorce to close one chapter and begin the next, better chapter of your life.
Divorce Recovery
Ways a Divorce Coach Can Make Your Divorce Easier
A Divorce Coach can teach you how to negotiate, how to best support your kids, and how to set up your post-divorce recovery and transition to your new life.
Children and Divorce
6 “Don’ts” When Telling Kids About Your Divorce
The trauma of divorce is greatly compounded when children are involved. For that reason, telling kids about your divorce is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly.
March 2020
Considering Divorce
If You Divorce Now, Will You Regret Your Divorce Later?
Don’t be a casualty of divorce regret! Ask yourself these four key questions before you call it quits and divorce with confidence.
Financial Issues
3 Financial Mistakes to Avoid When it Comes to the Cost of Divorce
The cost will depend on how well you and your spouse communicate, and how willing you are to negotiate the terms of your divorce outside of court.
Coping with Divorce
8 Strategies: How to Keep Yourself Together When Your World Falls Apart
It can take great courage to admit the possibility that we’re not doing okay in something fundamental – whether it’s marriage, parenting, a relationship, or a job.
Child Custody
Protecting Your Child from an Opioid-Addicted Parent
Here’s what an experienced family lawyer can do to protect your children – even if they’re unable to terminate your ex’s parental rights.
Life After Divorce
5 Ways to Cope With Emotional Triggers After Remarriage
Learning to identify and cope with your emotional triggers is vital to a healthy second marriage. Here’s how to keep them from ruining your new relationship.
February 2020
Financial Issues
New Year, New Way to Budget After Divorce: 5 Steps
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Creating a budget helps you take control of your financial health and learn how to manage your money better.
Divorce Process
Understanding Your Concerns and Goals For a Divorces
Taking the time to understand your goals and concerns can feel indulgent when you are trying to make decisions about the rest of your life. However, your goals and concerns can keep you moving in the right direction.
Copping with Divorce
Surviving Your First Valentine’s Day After Divorce
The first Valentine’s Day after divorce can be a painful reminder of loss and loneliness. Here are some tips to get through it.
Divorce and Remarriage
Thinking of Proposing on Valentine’s Day? Propose a Prenup, Too!
If you’re currently separated or divorced and considering proposing to your new love on Valentine’s Day, propose a prenup at the same time!
Children and Divorce
New Year, New Way to Budget After Divorce: 5 Steps
They either come back, dirty, clean mixed in with the dirty or, missing. How I solved the kid’s clothes and divorce saga.
January 2020
Preparing for Divorce
6 To-Dos When Facing a Divorce in the New Year
Anyone considering a divorce come the new year should resolve themselves to start preparing for it now.
Financial Issues
How Financial Mismanagement Impacts a Marriage
There are many reasons why divorce in couples occur, money is one of the biggest ones.
Divorce Recovery
Create a Life You Love Without New Year’s Resolutions
Say goodbye to new year’s resolutions and live your best life every day with this 4-step plan.
Dating after Divorce
5 Online Dating Profile Photo Tips
For your best success at landing a dating app match, try out these tips to ensure you’re portraying your best side in your profile photo.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
9 Tips for Co-Parenting With a Difficult Ex
If co-parents are not on good terms, their divorce can adversely affect the children. Here are tips to make co-parenting with a difficult ex easier.
December 2019
Legal Issues
5 Reasons to Have a Lawyer Review Your Do-it-Yourself Divorce Agreement
Even if you and your spouse have the best of intentions, there are several reasons why a family lawyer should review your DIY divorce agreement before you sign it.
Divorce Preparation and Settlement
The Secrets to “Winning” Your Divorce
Can you “win” your divorce? Here are typical misconceptions that family lawyers hear from clients, and advice to help them set realistic expectations for the process.
Inspirational Stories and Advice
Don’t Let a Limited Belief System Hold You Back After Divorce
Make today the day to stop saying No because of what has happened; choose Yes because you owe it to yourself to thrive after divorce!
Coping with Divorce
Take the High Road for Thanksgiving After Divorce
For children caught in the crossfire of custody disputes, holidays can become a time of woe rather than joy. Put the “Happy” back in “Happy Thanksgiving”.
Legal Issues
Gray Divorce: What It Is and Why It Happens
5 reasons why the divorce rate for those over 50 – known as “gray divorce” – has been rising steadily for the last 20 years.
Relationships and Dating
I Have NO Interest in Dating Since my Divorce
No, I’m not dating or looking to date. If I happen to meet someone out there, that’s great – but until then, I’m happy with keeping my TV remote to myself.
November 2019
Divorce Preparation and Settlement
The Secrets to “Winning” Your Divorce
Can you “win” your divorce? Here are typical misconceptions that family lawyers hear from clients, and advice to help them set realistic expectations for the process.
Inspirational Stories and Advice
Don’t Let a Limited Belief System Hold You Back After Divorce
Make today the day to stop saying No because of what has happened; choose Yes because you owe it to yourself to thrive after divorce!
Coping with Divorce
Take the High Road for Thanksgiving After Divorce
For children caught in the crossfire of custody disputes, holidays can become a time of woe rather than joy. Put the “Happy” back in “Happy Thanksgiving”.
Legal Issues
Gray Divorce: What It Is and Why It Happens
5 reasons why the divorce rate for those over 50 – known as “gray divorce” – has been rising steadily for the last 20 years.
Relationships and Dating
I Have NO Interest in Dating Since my Divorce
No, I’m not dating or looking to date. If I happen to meet someone out there, that’s great – but until then, I’m happy with keeping my TV remote to myself.
October 2019
Legal Issues
Does an Expert Witness’ Opinion Depend on Who Hired Them?
If a divorce case goes to trial, the experts brought by each party may have different – if not diametrically opposing – views. How does this happen?
Financial Issues
Divorce: Do You Need a Business Valuation Expert?
Valuation of business interests in the context of divorce can be complex and litigating the issues of support and asset division can be challenging.
Coping with Divorce
Divorce, Zen Style: Managing Emotions in a Divorce
In a divorce, you need a clear head, a long-view and a realistic assessment of where you are and where you are going.
Conflict Resolution
5 Tips for Working Through Relationship Conflict
Working through issues in a relationship doesn’t have to be the same as “fighting.” Here’s a better approach for those with divorce or co-parenting problems to solve.
Children and Divorce
Supporting Your Teen During and After Divorce: Here are 21 Tips
Most parents and a lot of other people want to support a young person as they go through such a challenging time as the divorce of their parents.
September 2019
Considering Divorce
Should You Stay Together for the Children’s Sake?
Basically, when it comes to divorce and children a parent should do what they know to be in their child’s best interest.
Relationships and Dating
One Date Wonders: My Revolving Door of Post-Divorce Dating
I found that the more men I dated the less likely I was to feel good about myself and it certainly wasn’t going to lead to a healthy relationship.
Coping with Divorce
9 Strategies to Keep Yourself Together After Divorce
Personal catastrophe can teach us, or damage us. Here’s how to come through it.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
Why Shared Parenting After Divorce Is Optimal for Children
Studies have shown that children who spend 35{a73147adfffdb1dfdca5679095375528f3d2f74d5310274b20a9e2ae0fe9e9db} or more of their time with each parent have deeper bonds and a better relationship with both parents.
Debt and Divorce
Should You File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Before or After Divorce?
Declaring bankruptcy can be the right option for those who find themselves in a desperate financial situation during or after divorce, but timing can be crucial.
August 2019
Property Division
What You Need to Know About Property Division During Divorce
In most states, property is divided equitably, not equally. Learn what factors the court must consider during property division.
Spirituality and Divorce
God Hates Divorce – But Loves Divorcees
God wants us to embrace and love divorcees as He does – not avoid, ignore, or shame them.
Preparing for Divorce
Is it Better to Litigate or to Settle Your Divorce?
You could lose time and money by litigating instead of settling – but you must understand the likelihood of achieving your goals in court before making a decision.
Divorce Recovery
Tips for a Stress-Free Vacation After Divorce
After divorce, you deserve a relaxing vacation: alone, with a friend, or with your kids. Read these tips to make your trip as stress-free as possible.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
7 Tips for Spending the Summer Without Your Kids
For divorcing couples, summer vacation isn’t a walk in the park. If you’ll be spending the summer without your kids, these tips will ease the transition.
July 2019
Divorce Process
The Initial Divorce Consultation: Everything You Need to Know
A productive initial divorce consultation can provide a toolbox of information allowing you to reflect on your situation before taking the next steps.
Infidelity and Divorce: In Divorce Court, Infidelity Doesn’t Matter
Infidelity and divorce are two hotly debated topics in divorce court. Is it time to abandon the idea that infidelity really matters in divorce settlements?
Considering Divorce
Should I Stay in a Marriage Only Because My Spouse Has Cancer?
When a spouse has cancer, it can be very difficult to navigate through the emotional and physical turmoil. Should a couple divorce during a serious illness?
Legal Issues
Who Gets To Keep The Dog After Divorce?
Is your dog your “furbaby”? Does your ex feel the same way? If you can’t agree on who gets to keep the dog after divorce, you might end up fighting for “custody” in court.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
11 Tips for Managing Summer Vacation as a Divorced Parent
Tips and ideas to help make summer vacation simple and calm post divorce.
June 2019
Fathers and Divorce
5 Tips for Dads Who Want Full Custody of Their Child
Certain custody tips for dads can be helpful in increasing their chances of gaining custody of their kids. Read on for tips that can help you win your case.
Legal Issues
Establishing Paternal Rights Over a Child Born in an Intact Marriage
If you are the biological father of a child born to an intact marriage, but you are not the husband, here is some much-needed clarification on paternity.
Financial Issues
Financial Infidelity is On The Rise: Why Couples Keep Financial Secrets
Do you keep financial secrets from your spouse? If you do, you’re not alone.
Divorce Recovery
Dumper or Dumpee, Who Would You Rather Be?
Dumper, dumpee? Since I was the dumpee I tend to see this issue from my perspective.
Coping and Divorce
Setting Boundaries During Divorce
To help alleviate your divorce-related stress, you should learn the value of setting boundaries during divorce.
May 2019
Children and Parenting after Divorce
Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Divorce: 5 Ways to Be a Hero
Special days can be challenging for divorced parents. Here are 5 ways to be a role model for your kids – in spite of how you feel about your ex.
Coping with Divorce
The Importance of Taking a Break From Your Divorce!
Divorce produces a lot of stress, so you must set aside time to focus on positive things and take a break from your divorce.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
How to Handle an Angry Ex During Divorce
Out of all the emotions that can arise between exes during divorce, perhaps the hardest one to deal with is anger.
Financial Issues
Redesigning Your Financial Life After Divorce
Practical steps for handling your financial matters during the divorce transition.
Dating after Divorce
Essential Tips For Moms Dating After Divorce
For newly divorced moms getting back into dating comes with some apprehension; here are 5 tips to help relieve some of that stress.
April 2019
Tax and Divorce
Co-Parenting Mythbusters: Divorce + Tax Implications
As a co-parent, you need to understand the tax implications of your divorce agreement. These myths can make the divorce process even more confusing than it already is.
Marriage and Divorce
Can a Gaming Addiction Lead to Divorce?
Like any other addiction, gaming addiction can lead to conflicts in a marriage. But can it lead to divorce?
Divorce Recovery
How Childhood Neglect and Abuse Impacts Divorce Recovery
Divorce can be emotionally draining. If you’re also suffering from depression and low self-esteem, consider making counseling part of your road to recovery.
Financial Issues
What You Need to Know About High Asset Divorce
High asset divorce cases often entail complex legal issues. Here are some key things to consider when undergoing a high asset divorce.
Children and Divorce
Children: An Unnecessary Casualty of Divorce Wars
As a father, you play an important role in making sure your children do not become casualties of your divorce.
March 2019
Financial Issues
Are All Assets Equal in Your Divorce?
When dividing assets during divorce, it isn’t only about the value of the asset – there’s more to consider. All assets are not created equal!
Children and Divorce
How to Help Kids Learn Resilience: 6 Tips for Single Parents
After divorce, kids need resilience to be able to “bounce back” from the pain of losing their intact family. Here are 6 tips to help kids learn resilience.
Divorce and Annulment
Trailing Spouses: Divorce, Depression, and the Challenges They Face
Facing divorce after following your husband from state to state or country to country? If so, you’re what is commonly referred to as a “trailing spouse.”
Relationships and Dating
Hard Lessons Learned from a Post-Divorce Relationship
If you jump too quickly into a post-divorce relationship, you may find yourself in a relationship that is less than healthy.
Coping with Divorce
Dos and Don’ts for a Low-Conflict Divorce
Following these tips will promote civility and help you and your spouse navigate a low-conflict divorce.
February 2019
Considering Divorce
Contemplating Divorce? Do These 5 Things First
If you’ve started seriously contemplating divorce, how will you know if it’s time to move on from your marriage – or any significant relationship?
Relationships and Dating
8 Warning Signs Your Marriage is Headed for Divorce After Infidelity
While infidelity can be devastating to a marriage, some specialists believe that it’s important to try to resolve the crisis and rebuild trust if possible.
Coping with Divorce
Divorce Never Means You’ve Failed: Here’s Why
Divorce means you’re choosing to live a life that promotes happiness and growth instead of one that stifles you.
Legal Issues
What You Should Do If Your Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?
In all states, you can get a divorce whether your spouse signs the paperwork or not.
Children and Divorce
Your Ex Wants to Move Out of State With Your Child: What Now?
What are your options if your ex wants to move out of state with your child after divorce?
January 2019
Coping with Divorce
7 New Year’s Resolutions for Divorced or Divorcing People
Divorce and separation bring change, wanted or not. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to create New Year’s resolutions that fit your new life?
Divorce News
New California Law on Pet Custody
The law, which takes effect in early 2019, will allow divorcing couples to petition for sole or joint ownership of a pet.
Financial Issues
New Year Financial Checklist: 7 Things to Think About
Here are 7 aspects of your financial life to think about as you begin this new year.
Divorce Recovery
5 Things I Learned From an Unwanted Divorce
An unwanted divorce, although painful, is an opportunity to learned valuable life lessons.
Children and Divorce
7 Tips For Telling Your Kids About Your Divorce
It will probably be the most difficult talk you’ve ever had with them – even if you know divorce is the right decision.
December 2018
Co-Parenting after Divorce
3 Tips to Alleviate the Stress of Sharing Custody Over the Holidays
How do you share custody of your children over the holidays without it turning into a nightmare?
Tax and Divorce
New Tax Laws: Child Tax Credit and Dependency Exemption
Congress has made significant changes to tax credits and exemptions that will matter a lot to divorcing parents. Do you know how the new tax laws will affect you?
Coping with Divorce
Divorcing but Still Living Together During the Holidays?
Here are five tips for navigating the holidays if you are in the process of divorce but still living together.
Divorce Recovery
10 Powerful New Year’s Resolutions for Separated or Divorced People
Newly single? Take the opportunity to reinvent your life and put you on the path to happiness and prosperity.
Divorce News
Divorce Rates Are Falling: At Least For Some People
Divorce rates are falling for people under 45, but the divorce rate has doubled for those over 55 and tripled for those over 65.
November 2018
Financial Issues
Level the Playing Field While Preparing Finances for Divorce
A financial specialist can help you understand the long-term impact of the proposed divorce settlement.
Coping with Divorce
Thanksgiving Challenge: Giving Thanks and Staying Positive
You may be dreading Thanksgiving – especially if you are recently divorced and not accustomed to being single on this family holiday. Here’s help.
Marriage and Divorce
Do Women Initiate Divorce More Frequently than Men?
Researchers have found that women initiate divorce almost twice as often as men. Why? Read on!
Co-Parenting after Divorce
Tired of Feeling Angry at Your Co-Parent? These 6 Tips Will Help
When you’re angry, you lose the ability to use reason and logic. These tips can move you from emotional & reactive to calm and proactive.
Divorce Recovery
Use Music to Reduce Divorce Anxiety
When divorce anxiety grips you, relief is as close as the music on your phone. Download the right pieces, and you’ll soothe your divorce pain.
October 2018
Financial Issues
Survey: How Student Loan Debt Impacts Divorce
More than a third of student loan borrowers claim that debt contributed to their divorce. Here’s what we found in the survey.
Considering Divorce
Avoiding Divorce? 5 Signs You Need to Let Go of a Bad Marriage
Facing the fact that your marriage is failing and you’re staying for all the wrong reasons is a difficult reality to come to terms with.
Marriage and Divorce
Just Because Divorce Is Socially Acceptable Doesn’t Mean You’ll Divorce
Most marriages aren’t doomed to end in divorce. Here are why some do – and what you should do to make sure yours doesn’t.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
7 Tips for Co-Parenting Without Losing Your Sanity
If you’re struggling to co-parent with an ex you can’t stand, life can be exhausting. These tips can help make it a little easier.
Dating after Divorce
4 Ways to Find the Confidence to Start Dating After Divorce
It can be hard to work up the nerve to start dating again – and not only because it’s been years since you last went on a date.
September 2018
Divorce Recovery
7 Reasons to Enjoy Your Divorce
Divorce offers many learning opportunities – such as the importance of self-care, and how to find love inside yourself and with others.
Financial Issues
How to Choose Your Divorce Financial Professional
Just as you need a neurosurgeon to perform brain surgery, you need a divorce financial professional during your divorce.
Coping with Divorce
4 Tips for Coping with a Difficult Ex During Divorce
Coping with a difficult ex isn’t easy; here are four helpful tips to make your interactions a bit easier.
Relationships and Dating
The First Step When Dating Post-Divorce
A self-assessment is key to determining what you’re looking for and ensuring that your next relationship is a healthy one.
Children and Divorce
How to Create a Parenting Plan That Fits Your Family
If you and your ex can’t agree, a child specialist can help you create a parenting plan that meets everyone’s needs.
August 2018
Preparing for Divorce
11 Parallels Between Divorce and a Hurricane
Divorce is more than a lifestyle change: it can rip through all we hold dear with the fury of an offshore hurricane.
Children and Divorce
8 Ways a Divorced Dad Can Boost his Daughter’s Self-Esteem
A divorced dad can empower his daughter with a willingness to put her interests first by using these strategies.
Coping with Divorce
5 Reasons for Divorce – and the Power of Acceptance and Forgiveness
Some reasons why “together forever” turns into “never” – and how to move on to new adventures post-divorce.
Co-Parenting after Divorce
10 Tips from a Former Judge to Make You a Better Parent after Separation and Divorce
A former Family Court Judge offers tips (and an eye-opening music video) to help you become a better parent.
Considering Divorce
What Does Summer Mean for a Marriage on the Rocks?
Summer can provide the opportunity to make a decision: to try to repair your marriage or to separate.
July 2018
Coping with Divorce
6 Reasons Divorce is Harder on Men than Women
Women, unlike men, find it easier to cope with divorce because they are more likely to seek professional help and reach out to friends and family for support.
The Divorce Process
The Divorce Process: What to Expect Step by Step
The divorce process doesn’t come with a “how-to” manual, and there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Here are 7 steps to help make it more manageable.
Children and Divorce
Summer Vacationing with One-Half the Money and One Parent
Offer experiences that create memories. The most memorable times with our parents were simple experiences that were full of emotional connections.
Gray Divorce
The Gray Divorce Penalty
Divorce in mid-life produces a “gray divorce penalty.” Women and men experience very different gray divorce penalties: women face an economic gray divorce penalty, while men face a social gray divorce penalty.
Divorce Preparation
Knowledge Is Power: 3 Helpful Divorce Preparation Tips
Knowledge is power, which is why divorce preparation it such an important step before beginning the divorce process. The more information you have, the better prepared you’ll be for the long road ahead.
June 2018
The Divorce Process
Divorcing a Narcissist
5 pieces of advice to live by if you are divorcing a narcissist.
Coping with Divorce
10 Steps to Recover from a Divorce
Take this opportunity to rediscover yourself instead of dwelling on your regrets about failed marriage.
Relationships and Dating
Tone of Voice Can Predict Marital Success
How you say it, not just what you say, can impact your marriage
Financial Issues
Financial Abuse is a Form of Domestic Violence
Abuse of any kind, including financial abuse, is a dangerous element in marriage. Look for these signs.
Children and Divorce
9 Tips for Helping Your Kids Get Through Your Divorce
Work hard to make your divorce as painless for your kids. Make their interests an A+ priority.
May 2018
The Divorce Process
The Role of Your Divorce Team
Consulting an Attorney, CDFA Professional, and Therapist During Your Divorce
Relationship Matters
7 Ways to Repair Relationship Conflict and Recover More Quickly
Relationship conflict will happen and differences don’t have to lead to a breakup. Dealing effectively with disagreements can make your partnership stronger.
Children and Divorce
Should You Tell the Kids about the Affair
There are a few considerations you must make before deciding whether or not telling the children about your or your spouse’s affair is the right step to take.
Financial Matters
7 Ways a Single Parent Can Stay Financially Fit
As a single parent, these seven tips are going to keep you – and your bank account – happy. And give you plenty of time to relax and enjoy yourself.
Divorce Recovery
4 Grounding Tools to Help with Divorce Grief
Learning effective coping skills for divorce grief and putting ourselves first.